0800-1700Not a ton went on today. Just finished up a few bags of BIW records, etc. So, I will talk a bit about what went on this weekend. My brother is still here in town. Because I work during the week,
we had primarily the weekend to do some legitimate exploring and stuff we couldn’t fit into an evening after I was off work.
On Saturday, we headed down to Freeport so my brother could see the L.L. Bean complex and do a little shopping. We did the Bean store, the North Face outlet store (my favorite) where Nick made a few purchases (this stuff is cheap compared to ticket price!) and walked around a bit. Then we headed south to Portland to grab some lunch and a pint. We wandered through the Old Port area, which is full of shops, restaurants, and bars. The USA/England soccer game was about to kick off so it being an Irish pub, it was PACKED. No worries, we got a table fairly quick, got a tasty burger and a Guinness and were on our way before it got to rowdy. The picture from yesterday was from the area with a lobster suited man attempting to coax people into a certain lobster joint.
We then headed back to Bath for a pitstop, then to Georgetown, which is the next strip of land that heads south towards the Atlantic and is on the other side of the Kennebec River. Our mission? To find a lighthouse and get some lobsters to eat. We followed our map, which lead us to a (surprising) dead end. We knew the lighthouse was close by so we hiked a bit and found it. It wasn’t as big as we had hoped but still cool! The name of it was Bald Head Lighthouse, I believe.

We then drove south towards the sea passing numerous lobster shacks on the side of the road. Lobster isn’t “cheap” here but its much more affordable than it was in Missouri, for obvious reasons. These little shacks are much like “roach coaches” or “street meat” as they sell variants of lobster sandwiches, soups, etc. We had heard about Five Island Lobsters so we passed by the street meat, found it, ordered some whole lobsters and chowed down. We probably looked like complete idiots tearing into them as we didn’t really know what we were doing but hey, we got out the good stuff and oh was it good!
Sunday was another rainy day (lots of rain lately!) so we hung out primarily indoors and laid low. That was the weekend in a nutshell.
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